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11-11-11 смотреть онлайн
05.05.2012, 03:06
11-11-11 смотреть онлайн
The American author Joseph Crone, after the death of his wife Sarah and his son Diogo, travels to Barcelona to meet his brother and his  father that is nearly to death.He sees demon  visions with the number 11 and later realizes that his life is plagued by events that will occur on 11/11/11.

Жанр: Films in English | Добавил: RedRose | Добавить фильм в закладки | Не работает фильм напишите
Просмотров: 525 |Комментарии: 1 | Качество фильма: ,DVDRip
По умолчанию фильм 11-11-11 воспроизводятся в среднем качестве |360|.Качество фильма можно изменить на более высокое или же низкое  исходя из скорости Вашего интернета нажав на значек |360| в правом нижнем углу плеера. Подробнее о качестве
1 » RedRose
Τhe film begins with many possibilities to be good. The plot is tedious and boring fastly,in the majority of the film. Fear is shown with terrible faces that appear as shadows on windows, they can be shocking, but they are repeated and become tiresome quite early. The special effects and costumes are amateurish and almost laughable at times. The acting and dialogue is undoubtedly modest, the characters become hard to like or relate in many ways. The end of the movie is better.
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